
HP 3260 H High Power Convoy Jammer

  • Designed for convoy protection, this system delivers continuous and complete disruption of the frequencies used to detonate IEDs.
  • The Windows based Software allows for friendly communication or tactical jamming.
  • The system will be fitted into an escort car protecting surrounding cars and passengers against IED threats.
  • The systems modularity allows for easy maintenance and upgradeability.

Our vehicular jammers are freely configurable and seamlessly cover all scenarios, from self-protection to convoy protection.We will be only too pleased to find an individual solution for you.

All vehicular jammers can be freely programmed using our DDS configuration software in order to individually customise the jamming performance of the systems and adapt to new scenarios or changes in the threat situation.

The HP 3260 H is our solution for the protection of military and VIP convoys. It offers maximum range and completely jams the entire spectrum of 20 MHz to 6 GHz.

The modular design of the system simplifies its maintenance and offers the option of extending the jammer by adding new frequency ranges at a later point in time.

The programming of the device with our in-house software and a wide selection of directional and omnidirectional antennae allow the use in differing scenarios. The HP 3260 H does not require additional cooling aggregates and uses the vehicles standard air-conditioning system.

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Mass International (Private) Ltd.